
Follow The Fresno Bee newspaper for the latest headlines on Central Valley news. Find daily local breaking news, opinion columns, videos and community. The Fresno business license and Fresno tax certificate application is a short one-page application that can be filled out online and then printed. It asks for your business name, the date you opened your business, and the physical location of your business.

Are you planning to start a business in Fresno, California? If you are planning to open a business in Fresno, CA, you will need to apply for a Fresno business license and a Fresno tax certificate. You can either print the application from the website or you can request one in person at the Finance Department in City Hall at 2600 Fresno Street, room 1096. The Finance Department can be reached by phone at (559) 621-6880.

How to Encrypt and Decrypt Access Database. Before encrypting or decrypting access database, please pay attention to something about encryption/decryption. Access database encryption is done on Access page level, not at the data level. Everything in a Microsoft Access database file is encrypted, including tables, queries, forms and indexes etc. This article explains how to encrypt an Access database by using a database password, and how to decrypt a database and remove its password. This article explains how to encrypt a database by using a database password, and how to decrypt a database and remove its password. On the File tab, click Open. Click on Open Other Files, and then click Open -> Browse. Tips: If in Access 2010 or the older Access versions, just select File tab and click Open. In the Open dialog box, browsing for the encrypted.mdb or.accdb file and select it. Office Password Genius is also availble for MDB file. Install it on your computer where MDB file is saved. Run it after complete installation. Section 2: Get encrypted MDB file password with tool. Click 'Open' button, browse encrypted MDB file on computer. Select and add it to Access Password Genius. What is an mdb file. MDB Viewer currently can not decrypt these database files. To open an encrypted ACCDB file with MDB Viewer, you must create a new, unencrypted database with Microsoft Access and copy all tables from the encrypted file to the new unencrypted file.

Their hours of operation are 10:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday. What information will you need to provide on the Fresno business license and Fresno tax certificate application? The Fresno business license and Fresno tax certificate application is a short one-page application that can be filled out online and then printed. It asks for your business name, the date you opened your business, and the physical location of your business. Your business contact information, including your mailing address, phone, and email address need to be submitted as well. If you do not own your business property, you will need to provide the contact information of your landlord, including phone number and mailing address.

You are asked to provide a description of your business activities and the type of business you are providing, whether service, wholesale, retail, etc. You need to give ownership type information, meaning whether you are the sole proprietor, in a partnership, part of a corporation, LLC, or a trust. Depending on the type of ownership or your business, you may need to procure additional licenses and permits, at the local, state and federal level. There is important information on the reverse side (or second page online) of your application outlining some additional regulations, instructions on receiving licenses for separate business locations, if you are moving your place of business etc. There is information how taxes and fees will be calculated and collected. Are there other Fresno licenses or Fresno permits that will be needed?

Depending on the nature of your Fresno business, you may need additional Fresno licenses. For instance, if you plan to have amusement or game machines at your Fresno business location, you will need to fill out an application for a permit. If you are planning to open a pool hall, there is a separate application for that.


There may be any number of permits including health, police, and fire department permits that may need to be in place before your business opens, so it will be your responsibility to contact the Finance Department and discuss your business plans with them to determine what additional permits and/or licenses may be required. They can be reached at (559) 621-6880. Star channel 34.

What about zoning regulations? It is important that you contact the Planning and Development Department before you sign any lease or enter into any type of real estate contract on any property within the city to determine if your property is zoned for business. You can contact the Planning and Development department by phone at (599) 621-8277. Are you planning to use your home as a Fresno business location?

You are permitted to use your home as a business location if you are willing to comply with the regulations and rules that have been set by the Planning and Development Department. Section 12-105-H-7 of the Fresno Municipal Code outlines several regulations and prohibitions that may be associated with running a business out of your home.

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