
This Video Will Teach you. How to Generate Oracle ER Diagrams Using PL/SQL Developer & Oracle SQL.

In this chapter, we will discuss Exceptions in PL/SQL. An exception is an error condition during a program execution. PL/SQL supports programmers to catch such conditions using EXCEPTION block in the program and an appropriate action is taken against the error condition. There are two types of exceptions − • System-defined exceptions • User-defined exceptions Syntax for Exception Handling The general syntax for exception handling is as follows. Here you can list down as many exceptions as you can handle. The default exception will be handled using WHEN others THEN − DECLARE BEGIN EXCEPTION WHEN exception1 THEN exception1-handling-statements WHEN exception2 THEN exception2-handling-statements WHEN exception3 THEN exception3-handling-statements.

WHEN others THEN exception3-handling-statements END; Example Let us write a code to illustrate the concept. We will be using the CUSTOMERS table we had created and used in the previous chapters − DECLARE c_id customers.id%type:= 8; c_name customerS.Name%type; c_addr customers.address%type; BEGIN SELECT name, address INTO c_name, c_addr FROM customers WHERE id = c_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Name: ' c_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Address: ' c_addr); EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN dbms_output.put_line('No such customer!' ); WHEN others THEN dbms_output.put_line('Error!' ); END; / When the above code is executed at the SQL prompt, it produces the following result − No such customer! PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. The above program displays the name and address of a customer whose ID is given.

Since there is no customer with ID value 8 in our database, the program raises the run-time exception NO_DATA_FOUND, which is captured in the EXCEPTION block. Raising Exceptions Exceptions are raised by the database server automatically whenever there is any internal database error, but exceptions can be raised explicitly by the programmer by using the command RAISE. Following is the simple syntax for raising an exception − DECLARE exception_name EXCEPTION; BEGIN IF condition THEN RAISE exception_name; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN exception_name THEN statement; END; You can use the above syntax in raising the Oracle standard exception or any user-defined exception. In the next section, we will give you an example on raising a user-defined exception. You can raise the Oracle standard exceptions in a similar way.

User-defined Exceptions PL/SQL allows you to define your own exceptions according to the need of your program. A user-defined exception must be declared and then raised explicitly, using either a RAISE statement or the procedure DBMS_STANDARD.RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR.

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The syntax for declaring an exception is − DECLARE my-exception EXCEPTION; Example The following example illustrates the concept. This program asks for a customer ID, when the user enters an invalid ID, the exception invalid_id is raised. DECLARE c_id customers.id%type:= &cc_id; c_name customerS.Name%type; c_addr customers.address%type; -- user defined exception ex_invalid_id EXCEPTION; BEGIN IF c_id.

The cheaper solution than 'dependency tracker' is the data dictionary table sys.sql_dependencies which from which this data can be queried from the data dictionary. Oracle has a data dictionary view with similar functionality called DBA_DEPENDENCIES (plus equivalent USER_ and ALL_ views). Using the other data dictionary tables (sys.tables/DBA_TABLES) etc. You can generate object dependency reports. If you're feeling particularly keen you can use a recursive query (Oracle CONNECT BY or SQL Server Common Table Expressions) to build a complete object dependency graph. Here's an example of a recursive CTE on sys.sql_dependencies. It will return an entry for every dependency with its depth.


Items can occur more than once, possibly at different depths, for every dependency relationship. I don't have a working Oracle instance to hand to build a CONNECT BY query on DBA_DEPENDENCIES so anyone with edit privileges and the time and expertise is welcome to annotate or edit this answer. Namastey london movie torrent download for free. Note also with sys.sql_dependencies that you can get column references from referenced_minor_id. This could be used (for example) to determine which columns were actually used in the ETL sprocs from a staging area with copies of the DB tables from the source with more columns than are actually used.

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